Mental Disorders And Addiction
Let us talk about mental disorders first, more specifically about social anxiety disorder. People that are unfortunate enough to have such a disorder tend to have a hard time socializing, which can be figured out by the name of disorder itself due to the fact that it is pretty self-explanatory. Anxiety is a really bad feeling and is not always associated with socializing, anxiety on its own is pretty tough to deal with as well.
However, this article is about both Anxiety and Addiction and that is why we are going to talk about Anxiety and Addiction. Anxiety and Addiction are both tough to deal with, and now let us focus on the “addiction” part of the article. Firstly, let’s focus on gambling addiction and why it is bad.
It does not affect your health unlike some other severe addictions. However, it does affect your financial status. Some people gamble away their entire houses and lose everything they may or may not have and even end up being in debt. There are also addictions that affect your health such as alcohol and cigarettes. Those are a bit less severe types of addictions and while they are not at all easy to cure, they can’t directly kill you that easily. Alcohol will damage your liver if you drink too much and cigarettes might cause lung cancer even if you are only a passive smoker. And last but not least, drugs are one of the most severe types of addiction and should not be treated lightly.